You probably spent your Thursday night lounging in your luxurious bathtub (a too-short tub that’s got an upside down Tupperware bowl over the drain because you lost the plug) filled with sumptuous bubbles (made with dish soap because you were out of Mr. Bubbles) while wearing multi-million dollar diamonds (a Fitbit that you were too lazy to take off). And guess what? So did Mimi!
After a long night of yodeling out new music in the studio, Mimi put on her casual bathin’ diamonds and got into the tub. I can hear you hating whores talking shit about Mimi’s eyelashes. Excuse you, but those aren’t fake eyelashes. Mimi’s eyelashes just naturally look like the brush on Barbie’s broom. Mimi posted that picture above on Instagram, as well as this one, which I’m sure is filter and Photoshop free.
That isn’t water from a ceiling bath filler. Flying above Mimi is a winged unicorn who is pissing into the tub after drinking 3 bottles of champagne. Champagne-infused unicorn piss is what keeps Mimi’s skin looking Photoshopped, dahling!
Pics: Instagram