Internet superstar pussy Lil Bub passed away in her sleep earlier this week. She was 8 years old. Well, even though Lil Bub’s gone, she will not be forgotten, as her caretaker, Mike Bridavsky, has a posthumous plan for Bub. TMZ says that Lil Bub may truly live up among the heavens forever, as her owner is thinking of blasting her remains into space.
While we may no longer be graced with her light via new social media posts and merchandise (what am I talking about? That merch will exi$t furever), we will be gifted with something almost as good: an actual shining beacon in the sky to commemorate Bub’s beauty.
Mike told TMZ that he wants to put the cat’s cremated ashes into a satellite and launch it into space so she can “watch over the planet”. This is the Space Force we need! Mike is working with the people at Purdue University to make this happen. The Small Animal Hospital at the university was Bub’s clinic and they also have an aerospace program.
Lil Bub was a philanthropuss and she raised over $700,000 for animal causes. And Mike wants Lil Bub to continue this work in space. His plan is to have her satellite linked to a website so people can track the deceased cat’s ashes over Earth and maybe–he hopes–have a live feed to see what Bub is seeing.
The cat’s caretaker also wants to keep Bub’s fundraising efforts alive … by allowing people to sign up to have a designated amount of money withdrawn from their bank accounts every time Lil Bub completes a rotation around the Earth, with the funds benefiting homeless pets and veterinary research.
Mike says he knows it’s a ludicrous idea, but if Kanye West can have a fucking church then a cat can get a goodwill satellite, okay? As for funding for the project, Mike’s looking to Purdue (who are probably looking back like, “Bitch, you must be kidding,”) and he may start a GoFundMe if he has to.
Let’s hope that this happens and Earth finally gets the protector it needs: a dead cat orbiting us. Look at Lil Bub coming in to overshadow Grumpy Cat for most iconic dead cat of 2019. Nothing but respect for MY North Star!
Pic: Instagram