Nothing says glamour and opulence like a tower of champagne glasses letting the sparkling bubbly flow from the top down complete with string accompaniment. Unfortunately, the “bartender” (more like “anarchist”) in this case totally ruined the mood by accidentally (?) tearing the tower down to the gasps of party-goers. Even the fiddlers (except one) stopped playing! (That one guy’s a real pro.)
Here’s that clip:
Сбербанк решил с размахом отметить Международный женский день в одном из московских офисов, но подвел профессиональный (!) бармен
— Лента.ру (@lentaruofficial) March 7, 2019
According to Mashable, this took place in Russia.
According to Russian outlet, who shared the video, the incident occurred in Moscow on Friday at the state-owned banking service Sberbank. It was reportedly a celebration for International Women’s Day.
Admittedly watching a champagne tower begin to slowly then speedily disintegrate in a shower of glass real time is sort of thrilling. But what a waste of champagne! Why is no one running around and trying to scoop it up with their glasses? Wasteful.
Pic: Twitter