We may have been spared from another terrible Sex And The City movie (thanks, Kim Cattrall!), but it seems like that isn’t going to keep Sarah Jessica Parker from being a grown-ass woman in a tutu who talks in puns and start sentences with “I couldn’t help but wonder…” SJP Instagrammed a video over the weekend and confirmed Carrie is coming back for a “brief reappearance.” Ugh, reading that has me feeling like my lunch is about to make a brief reappearance, too.
Vullture says Sarah’s ‘gram notes the Carrie revival is for a good cause, and it ends with “#pouritforward.” I’m assuming this thing is either an ad campaign for a booze brand that is going to make a charity donation OR she’s instructing people to pour a glass of water in Kim’s face anytime they encounter her.
Even without a movie deal, SJP still manages to find a way to get product placement out the ass, and I’m sure Kristen Davis is dialing up her agent to see if she can be Charlotte for a Payless ad. As we all know, Kim refused to do a third movie, causing some SATC actors to sob over the lost opportunity for a check. And then Kim and Sarah feuded over social media. Somewhere in there, Cynthia Nixon decided to give up her gig playing Miranda and attempt to run for governor of New York. Sarah has apparently not learned the same lesson Cynthia did, so she’ll be the writer who somehow can afford in-season Chanel like it’s no big deal. I couldn’t help but wonder…PLEASE LET THIS FRANCHISE DIE ALREADY!
Pic: Wenn.com