I’ve always had a thing for bumper stickers. Whether it’s a faded-as-fuck “Dole/Kemp ‘96″ slapped ironically on the back of a Subaru, or just that kinda crude/kinda funny one of Calvin taking a piss on the Ford logo. Basically anything but that trifling-ass “My child is an honor roll student at Domino’s Pizza College” type shit. But someone in Ohio took note of a religious one on a rear windshield this week and wasn’t immediately realizing he should grab his prayer cloth.
really just spent two minutes like "why would you shame someone with tuna?" pic.twitter.com/jACWpwJBET
— tech fleece tormund (@the_blueprint) August 28, 2017
Tunashamed?? Like, did this trick’s man point a finger and bellow, “THOU SHALT NOT HAVE THAT SPICY TUNA MAKI”?? Maybe it’s Jessica Simpson’s car, and she’s still getting shit for thinking Chicken of the Sea was actually a bunch of cluckers bobbing around in an aquatic hen house? The person soon realized he was in a Red State and it was actually supposed to read “unashamed” under a cross. The Internet is savage, so naturally Twitter had a field day:
Tuna knows what it did. pic.twitter.com/l5RpToZftg
— brx0 (@brx0) August 29, 2017
— darth:™ (@darth) August 29, 2017
On that note, you’re welcome Tomi Lahren and Sean Hannity, over at Fox News, and Bill O’Reilly, over at whatever tin can and string operation you’ll be broadcasting your new show from. Looks like the “war” on Fish-mas, er, Christmas has started early this year!
Pic: Twitter