A New York doggie is making headlines after they were filmed helping their owner sneak onto the subway without paying. The New York Post reports that the clip was originally posted on social media by the account @SubwayCreatures. It shows the pooch going under the turnstile and pushing open the emergency gate so their owner (and a lucky friend) can walk through for free. The video has over 2 million views, and the majority of commenters are supportive. Their main issue is that the dog isn’t on a leash, and, more importantly, after the dog helped his owner onto the subway, he wasn’t rewarded with a pet or treat. Um, by my math, this furry little fare evader earned $2.75 in food and/or scritchies ($5.50 if you count the owner’s friend)!
The video was taken by someone on the subway platform. It shows the doggie running around excitedly. The owner tells him to “relax, listen.. push the button.” The dog just smiles and runs back under the turnstile to be with their daddy. The owner tries again, “Open. OPEN.” The dog finally gets the memo, runs back to the correct side of the door, and pushes the emergency bar. The owner and his friend successfully stroll onto the subway platform. The dog is proud, the owner is proud, even the security guy in the background looks a little impressed. The man filming says, “Wow, that’s what’s up!” Here’s the clip:
The New York Post says that, during the pandemic, fare evasion spiked to 12.5% on subways. So, 1 in 8 riders are getting on the train for free. And how many of them have puppies helping them? Or trained lizards? Or pet ferrets? Or cats? JK, cats would never lower themselves to something like that (helping their owner).
Pics: Instagram