As inflation continues to give us a slow, deep stroke with no Vaseline I sometimes wonder how are we all surviving these days. Especially when it comes to the housing market, which is trash by the way. Even living in a cardboard box on the street will run you about $1,000 a day, but there is a couple who have found a way to buck the system. Meet Richard and Angelyn Burks, two self-proclaimed frugal folks that decided after retiring they wanted to live the Jack Sparrow life on the high seas and are currently living on cruise ships to avoid paying high mortgage rates.
These two must think they’re the new Lovey and Thurston Howell because all of this sounds like an origin story from Gilligan’s Island. However, there’s definitely a method to the Burks’ strategy, which began back in May 2021. While speaking with Upworthy, Angelyn immediately let her haters know there’s nothing wrong with living on a cruise ship once you crunch the numbers correctly.
“We love to travel and we were searching for a way to continuously travel in our retirement that made financial sense,” she said. They looked into deals they could find through loyalty memberships and then factored in the potential sale price of their home and realized their dream was totally affordable.
A couple in their 50s live permanently on a cruise ship because it's cheaper than a mortgage. According to Angelyn Burk, 53, and her husband Richard. The Burks have called cruise ships their home since May 2021 and have no plans to go back to their lives as landlubbers. @Upworthy
— Michael O (@Mondomoog) May 12, 2022
They must have both been dining on water and gum for decades in order to make this dream a reality, because how is this even possible? Actually, why are they not teaching classes on how we all can achieve this dream? The Burks’ have the right idea though, because in their hometown of Tukwila, Washington the average home is selling for a little over $600,000, and with the goal of spending just $100 a day their annual life at sea cost comes in at $36,500. They also travel light with two suitcases and buy anything else they need on the ship or in the next port. And I know what you’re thinking; “CORONAVIRUS!!” They’re aware, however. Richard barfed up the only excuse we’ve been given to defend our decision to leave the house: Wear Your Mask.
“I would suggest wearing a mask at all times when out in public no matter whether on a ship, in a movie theater, at a restaurant or even meeting with friends inside or outside,”
My only question at this point is do y’all have room in that suitcase for me? I promise I won’t dig into your budget too much. Hell, I just want to go for the travel and the booze so you both wouldn’t really need to do anything other than get me on the boat.
Pic: INSTARImages