Stare at that picture long enough and you’ll get the answer to the question: Can you get cavities on your eyeballs? The answer is yes, because I just got four from looking at that sugar turd of a monster.
Believe it or not, that picture was not taken anywhere in America. We should be ashamed of ourselves and embarrassed that another country showed us up in the Grossly Delicious Food Department. It was taken at a place on the other side of the planet called The Doughnut Bar in the Australian city of Brisbane. It’s a giant dump of ice cream in a glazed donut cone. That syringe should be filled with insulin since taking one bite of that thing could give you diabetes. But The Doughnut Bar says on their Instagram page that the syringe is filled with salted caramel.
It looks like a giant caca on top of another giant caca that’s been deep fried and covered with jizz. That cone looks like a fried and used-up butt plug. And eating it is probably a real bitch. The easiest way to eat it is to have one friend grab one side of your mouth and get another friend to grab the other. And as they both stretch your mouth out, a third friend should shove it all in, syringe and all.
And with that being said, I soooo would.
Pic: Instagram (Thanks Micah)