I was going to title this post “Open Post: Hosted By The Big Lots Clearance Section Barbra Streisand Getting Naked On Instagram,” but I didn’t want to be responsible for the cold disappointment that would cover your genitals after reading the words “Barbra Streisand” and “naked” and not seeing a naked Babs anywhere in this post. I couldn’t do that to your fuck parts.
Lea Michele decided to rack up a thousand Instagram THOT points yesterday by sharing her nakedness with her 4.2 million followers. My thoughts and prayers are with the woodland creatures whose delicate ears were fucked raw by the high-pitch sound of Lea screeching at whoever took this picture while directing them. But on a positive note, I am impressed at Lea Michele’s strength and ability to hold her head up while she’s obviously suffering from severe dehydration and is thirstier than James Franco in 127 Hours.
And that picture is incomplete without Jessica Lange sashaying by while mistaking Lea Michele for background:
Pic: Instagram