Remember how we told you about the slice made entirely of pizza crusts being sold at an Italian restaurant in New Jersey? Well, here’s a pizza with everything in the middle cut out leaving exclusively the fully-intact outer crust. That’s the pizza choice of Jadakiss.
Cuts And Slices is a New York pizza restaurant who has posted to social media their varying pizza orders in the past. Maybe it’s to show all the cool customizations? Give us ideas on future pizza toppings? Well, when it comes to Jadakiss’ order, you’re probably just going to think to yourself: “The fuck?”
Page Six says that Cuts And Slices posted one of their most recent pizza orders which happened to come in from rapper Jadakiss. And it set people off. What was so controversial? Maybe the fact that there was literally no pizza:
Yup that’s a pizza which was prepared, assembled, cooked, had the middle part cut out of it, and then there were three marinara sauces placed for dipping–because obviously all that crust is going to get dry. Comments started immediately:
“He could’ve made you breadsticks bro.”
“This is a violation.”
“This can’t be real.”
“You ain’t heard of bread sticks bruh.”
“This man Must be stopped.”
I had to see Jadakiss’ all-crust pizza so now you do too
— Esquvidu (@broazay) July 16, 2019
— Chandler (Lifelong Zags fan) Jenkins (@CJenkins_Wx) July 16, 2019
Yes, it’s a controversial choice and yes, I hope that they kept that inside cheesy part and ate it themselves or gave it to someone with common sense, because what a waste otherwise. But let’s be real, this is actually not the grossest/weirdest pizza order ever. That title will always be held by reigning disgusting pizza order of Meme Legend: None Pizza, Left Beef.
Pic: Instagram