There’s nothing cuter than a baby elephant, you say. Well, how about a baby elephant trying her darndest to make friends with a dog?! That’s right, I’ve one-upped your simplistic views regarding adorableness and gift you this bittersweet story of pachyderm Pyi Mai’s attempts at winning over a local canine. It’s a riveting story of love, loss, and birthday fruit.
Laughing Squid describes the encounter:
A baby elephant named Pyi Mai tried to make friends with one of the resident dogs at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The little pachyderm appeared very earnest in her overtures, even stooping down to the dog’s height, but the reticent canine showed little interest after trying to initiate a chase.
And here’s Pyi Mai trying to spark up a new friendship:
From the video, it looks like Pyi Mai’s advances were rebuffed. Poor Pyi Mai! The elephant is going to talk shit about that dog to her girlfriends after this. I don’t know what that dog was thinking. After all, Pyi Mai is a bona fide star! She recently celebrated her first birthday and the video of her party went viral, gaining 800,000 views on TikTok. She was gifted an array of colorful fruit and serenaded with the happy birthday song by sanctuary workers.
@brittanyvacca Pyi Mai 1st birthday #animaltok #elephants #elephant #elephantlover #elephanttok #babyanimals #babyelephant #animallover #animalsoftiktok #animallover
Happy Birthday, Pyi Mai! You’re loved by all……except that dog. If that dog isn’t careful, Pyi Mai might pen an album about the rejection and make 15-minute “short” film about it!
Pic: YouTube